Friday, November 29, 2013

A Black Friday Rant

Reading all the posts about black friday and the comments from people saying that people who work at these places have no right to complain and should be thankful they can find a job after all the poor choices they made and not getting an education etc. Etc. Etc....

So depressing to see people treat each other like this...blaming the victim for failing in a system that is designed for failure, and actually being naive enough to think that if they work harder at their job they will get paid more... corporations don't hire people or determine their wages based on sales generated, if you want to judge someone for working in retail and feel like it's their own fault they have a crappy job - go ahead and quit your kush union job and go and try and find new work right now.. you'll get a real quick lesson in the way our system actually works, instead of the lie these corporate slaveholders have invested millions on to convince you is true.

These people are struggling just to survive, show a little respect for your brothers and sisters... service industry workers are the hardest working, least paid people in our entire system.. don't insult them by acting like they did something wrong by having to work that job, they're working their asses off to feed their families and pay their bills, these people are doing what's right for their family, treating them like that job is some kind of punishment for bad choices or because they are unmotivated is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard.. show a little respect, lend a helping hand.. be a good person.

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