Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Moore, Oklahoma tornado, May 20, 2013

As I drink coffee on the front porch here at 4am, the air is still, the owls are hooting, the wind chimes are quiet and the crickets are having their symphony. Would make one believe all is well. Just to the north, this is happening! I have not seen anything like this in 20 years and it was just last week the same thing happened in North Texas as well.  Today there is another chance of these super cells popping up and is as far down, this time, as where I am. What is going on? Most of North America this year had no Spring, but going from Winter to Summer with freezing temperatures and snow in May! Is this the end times or just part of a cycle that happens every few years? I am not one to speculate or have any idea, but I do know that in all of my years on this planet, I have not seen the earth do this so often as now. The tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, super storms, earthquakes, softball sized hail and even 20 mile an hour winds long after the sun has gone down...without a storm in the area. Is something BIG about to come our way? Is this the forerunner to something more? We will all just have to wait and see and I hope that all reading this are in line spiritually for it is going to take more than just "man" to get the world through this! My prayers go out to the families that lost property and lost family members, not only yesterday but all the other events that have happened recently. Just when we think things are a little calm in nature, man goes nuts and starts shooting people at movie theaters and schools or fertilizer plants explode or two kids blow up a marathon. Then nature starts up again with it's devastation...whew! I do not know what is to come next but do know that the days of "Leave it to Beaver" are now long gone. I think today, right now, is as good as it is going to get and will be a downward cycle into worse. It sure appears that way. I am usually a very positive person and still try to be, but this all leaves me baffled and a little nervous about waking up each day as to what will be next!

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